your Own Path
Im soooooo happy you have joined!
This space is for you to take a break, be mindful and create something at the same time.
I set up this membership as a space for you to RE-connect to yourself through journaling, meditation, creating and guidance.
A place for you to CREATE your own path
back to yourself.
What Happens?
This online space has been created to help you
RE-connect with yourself.
Twice a month we will:
Work with a intuitive journal prompt
Be guided through painting - what's inside you
Guided card pull
Please join our community -
a space to share our creations​
Private Facebook Page
You can access the videos of our sessions anytime, anywhere - (they are down below). There are also a collection of Meditation and Art videos -
that you have access to as a bonus
Watch them at your own pace and convenience.
available 24/7
Intuitive Journal Prompt
I have been intuitively guided to give you the session journal prompts.
These have been given to you to help you RE - connect to yourself through this process
I will be guiding you through some short breathing and meditation sessions to help you RE-connect to yourself
The creative part is just a method to let your
'nuss' out.
I don't know how else to describe it, haha!
I will show you every LIVE session how I am painting to RE-connect to myself. The methods I use, how I incorporate the meditation and even some little techniques along the way.
The purpose is not to have all the correct equipment, rather to use what you have and not worry about buying all the latest things.
The paints I always have to hand is acrylics. Tubes of these can be inexpensive - £2 a tube at The Range for example. You could also use watercolours.
An example of my equipment is:
felt tip pens
masking tape
paint brush
scraps of paper
magazine cut outs
acrylic paint
cardboard for scraping
Please don't over think this. It is just what you have to hand.
Children's paint is fine, you could even use tea bags, ketchup and chocolate sauce!

Through divination I will pull a oracle card each session to help give focus and give you guidance for the week ahead.